
It is becoming more and more important to watch what we eat as well as how we eat. Modern lifestyles include a wide range of diets and eating habit, encompassing all forms of good and bad: healthy, unhealthy, nourishing, addictive, damaging, healing and many more. We don't want to engage in the argument about a purely plant-based diet vs. a diet including animal products. Instead, we want to motivate you to come to your own informed decision about which foods you want to eat and which ones you want to avoid. When it comes to choosing what to eat, there are two big factors to look at: the effect the food has on our body and the effect it has on the environment.

There is an ever-increasing realization that the standard western way of eating inherits a lot of potential for developing food-related diseases. There is a general consensus that reducing the intake of processed food, refined sugar and alcohol while increasing the consumption of organically grown plant-based food can have tremendous health benefits. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables can provide a solid foundation for a long, healthy and active life. When given the choice, it is preferable to opt for whole foods rather than processed foods.

Looking at the environmental aspect, we think it is a great contribution to reconsider the amount of animal products we consume. Especially meat, eggs and dairy products should be consumed very deliberately as their production is harmful to both the planet and the animals.

Just as it is important to look at the things we eat, it is also important to look at when we should eat. Or rather, when we should not eat. The practice of fasting is part of many of the world’s biggest religions and, from a medical point of view, can be of great benefit to our well-being. There is a wide variety of different ways to fast, ranging from daily fasts – known as intermittent fasting – to fasts over several days without food. Generally, the longer the fast, the deeper the internal cleaning that can take place inside of our digestive systems and cells.

Eating has a big societal aspect that brings together people and unites the family at the dinner table. While those events are important and should not be taken away, its equally important to eat consciously, taste the different flavors and chew the food properly. The main purpose of eating should always be the maintenance of a strong and healthy body and mind. Food is not meant to be indulged on or to pacify mental stress.